• nourbouka@blogspot: الاخبار العاجلة لتنظيم التيارات ...

    الاخبار العاجلة لتنظيم التيارات الاسلامية المنغلقة حملة سياسية ضد بيوت الدعالرة وملاهي وهران انتقاما من نساء وهران يدكر ان مدينة وهران تعيش صحوة اسلامية مند تدشين مسجد ابن باديس يدكر ان ...

  • "Stone Age, Here We Come," by Syrian Prometheus - …

    Stone Age, Here We Come By Syrian Prometheus* – Opinion Piece For Syria Comment Sept 13, 2011 Anyone who lived through the failed revolution of the 1980s, or the “incidents”, as we call them, will tell you that this current revolution still has a long way to go.

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  • "Stone Age, Here We Come," by Syrian Prometheus - …

    Stone Age, Here We Come By Syrian Prometheus* – Opinion Piece For Syria Comment Sept 13, 2011 Anyone who lived through the failed revolution of the 1980s, or the “incidents”, as we call them, will tell you that this current revolution still has a …

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